Archive for March 2008

Baby Bites™ Tackles the Sugar Monster

Nonna Joann • March 27th, 2008 • Horrible Foods

The sugar monster lives in your house, because you let him! In fact, you regularly invite him in. Unless your children are driving and have an income, they’re eating the foods you purchase.I would love to slay that lying sugar monster, who’s convinced your kids that sugar is the only yummy flavor. I’d give him [...]

Pumpkins Good Year ‘Round

Nonna Joann • March 25th, 2008 • Nonna's Nutrition News & Views

What food comes to mind when you think of pumpkins?

“Pie,” of course. For many people, the only pumpkin they consume is a piece of pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving.Crates of pumpkins in the grocery store are a sure sign that autumn has arrived and Thanksgiving isn’t far off. Unfortunately, pumpkins completely disappear after Thanksgiving. In fact, [...]

Think Outside the Lunch Box

Nonna Joann • March 20th, 2008 • Nonna's Nutrition News & Views

Ten-year-old Annie is extremely social. Even though she’s not a picky eater, she rarely finishes her school lunch, because she’s chatting with her friends After her mom noticed food returning in her lunchbox, she warned Annie to stop talking so much during the lunch break and “to eat her lunch!” Food did stop coming home.Regrettably, after [...]

Don’t Be Fooled by the Front of the Package Tease

Nonna Joann • March 18th, 2008 • Horrible Foods

Let’s spill the beans on the front of the package claims:

Natural only means the product is edible: Look for “100% All Natural”, “No Preservatives”, or “Certified Organically grown.”
Fortified, Enriched, Added, Extra, and Plus: You can be sure these products have had the nutrition removed and artificial ingredients have been added. Look for 100% whole-wheat bread, [...]

Blueberries Chockfull of Antioxidants

Nonna Joann • March 6th, 2008 • Nonna's Nutrition News & Views

Blueberries aren’t only chockfull of antioxidants, but they’re good for your brain   , too!
Animal studies have found that blueberries may reverse age-related memory loss and other studies have found that blueberries contain many health-promoting antioxidants. Blueberries are associated with numerous health benefits including protection against urinary-tract infections, cancer, age-related health conditions, like heart disease and brain [...]