Baby Bites™ Tackles the Sugar Monster
By Nonna Joann • Mar 27th, 2008 • Category: Horrible FoodsThe sugar monster lives in your house, because you let him! In fact, you regularly invite him in. Unless your children are driving and have an income, they’re eating the foods you purchase.I would love to slay that lying sugar monster, who’s convinced your kids that sugar is the only yummy flavor. I’d give him a swift kick in his large tush-right out of your kitchen. You can make the sugar monster disappear when you stop purchasing items with added sugars.
Let’s face it, many aren’t bold enough to go cold turkey. Today, we’ll be content to tackle the sugar monster by looking at ways to limit the intake of added sugars. That way when you eat sugar, it’ll be on purpose.
When foods loaded with added sugars aren’t readily available, you won’t be tempted to eat them and your kids won’t either. You can restrict impact the sugar monster has on your family when your pantry is stocked with nutritious foods, so you’ll have plenty of healthy snacking options. Get in the habit of reading labels, you’ll be amazed at how much sugar is in the processed foods you purchase.
Now for the good news! Taste buds have a type of thermostat. What you’ve eaten in the preceding week affects your taste buds. Your preferences today are affected by what you ate yesterday. So, when you and your children (especially picky eaters) stop eating sugar, your taste buds adjust and whole food will become more flavorful! You’ll be amazed at how sweet an orange or an apple can be, when your palette adjusts.
Soda pop
You can’t talk about the sugar monster without mentioning soda pop. One-third of consumed sugars conceal themselves in your kid’s favorite drink.
A report, by the Center for Science in the Public Interest, correctly labeled soft drinks as “liquid candy.” There’s no nutritional value whatsoever in soft drinks. A child who drinks one can of soda pop ingests ten to sixteen teaspoons of sugar - from only one can!
Twenty-five years ago, teenagers drank twice as much milk as soda pop. Today, that’s flipped, teenagers drink twice as much soda pop as milk and 56% of eight-year-olds down a can of soft drink every day!
Soda pop is worse than candy for children, as soft drinks replace nourishing drinks like milk, fruit juices, and water. Soft drinks further rob the body of vital nutrients as Phosphoric Acid increases the loss of magnesium and calcium in the urine, leading to weaker bones. This is a concern, because of the peak bone-building years in childhood and adolescence.
Also, beware of the sugar monster, who also hides in fruit drinks. The juice content of fruit drinks range between a measly high of 27 to 3%. Koolaide, of course has absolutely no juice.
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