Kids’ Cereal Claims

By Nonna Joann • Sep 30th, 2008 • Category: News & Views

angel-pink-shirt.JPGKids’ cereals are the subject of today’s Blog. The Journal of the “American Dietetic Association” reports a study concerning children’s cereals. They found the claims made for kids’ cereals were often misleading. Are you surprised? I’m not!

Cereals sold as “low fat” or “low sugar” were not lower in calories. Brands touted as “whole grain” did have more fiber, but they had just as much salt, sugar, and fat as other brands and the same calorie content.

Children’s cereals have more sugar, sodium, carbohydrates, and calories per gram than non-children’s cereals. Kids’ cereals have less protein and fiber than other cereals. Sugar accounts for more than one-third of the weight of children’s cereals.

Kids’ cereals are marketed to children, not only on TV but in the grocery store with colorful characters displayed on the front of the package. My rule of thumb is NOT to purchase a product with a cartoon character on it.

I recommend not purchasing kid cereals at all. Once the product is no longer in your panty, it will be easier to convince your hungry child to eat a healthy breakfast. If you purchase boxed cereals, look for the most nutritious cereal by reading the nutrition label. The sugar content should be less than four grams per serving. Four grams is about one teaspoon of sugar.

Pictured: Angel knows a healthy breakfast doesn’t come in a kid’s cereal box.

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