Archive for March 2009

Fake Food

Nonna Joann • March 31st, 2009 • Mealtimes with Kids

In one year, each American eats just over a ton of food. That’s approximately 2,175 pounds a year or almost 6 pounds of food a day. But what is are we eating?
Wikipedia says, “Food is any substance, usually composed of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and water, that can be eaten or drunk by an animal or [...]

Chicken the Solution for Dinner

Nonna Joann • March 26th, 2009 • Nonna's Nutrition News & Views

Is dinnertime frantic for you?
No matter how well I think I’ve planned, many times dinnertime seems to arrive much too early. I’ve found two easy solutions for a quick dinner prep.
Once or twice a month, grill a large package of skinless chicken breasts. Freeze in individual pieces or enough pieces to feed your family. Defrosted grilled [...]


Nonna Joann • March 24th, 2009 • Nonna's Nutrition News & Views

Eggs are God’s little storehouse of sunshine; they are one of the few foods containing the sunshine vitamin D. An egg has over 6 grams of protein and 5 grams of fat (cholesterol). Eggs also contain B vitamins (B6, B12 and Folate) and vitamins A, E and K. Eggs are truly a super food.
In Baby [...]

Parenting a Picky Eater

Nonna Joann • March 21st, 2009 • Spoonful of Love

Take the Baby Bites quiz—
Find out how proficient you are at promoting picky eating in your prodigy.
If your offspring is eating primarily fast foods, white flour, sugar, and only a few whole foods, you’re headed in the right direction for raising a picky eater. Picky eaters universally love these foods while refusing to eat whole [...]

Should Children Take Multivitamins

Nonna Joann • March 19th, 2009 • Nonna's Nutrition News & Views

Moms frequently ask if their children should take a multivitamin
Whole foods should be your first resource for your family’s health. A diet with lots of fresh vegetables and fruit is optimal. A picky eater’s diet is limited and because we rely on processed foods, which are not as healthful as fresh foods, it’s a good [...]

Apple, Carrot & Raisin Salad

Nonna Joann • March 17th, 2009 • Salads & Sandwiches

Apple, Carrot & Raisin Salad

This recipe is yummy and easy as counting 1, 2, 3. And even picky eaters love it!
3 to 4 medium peeled apples (any kind) chopped in small ½ inch pieces
1 tablespoon lemon juice
5 good sized carrots grated
1 cup raisins
½ cup mayonnaise (Mayonnaise spoils easily, a ¼ cup lemon juice and a [...]

Kid-Friendly Lunches

Nonna Joann • March 17th, 2009 • Nonna's Nutrition News & Views

Zach’s mom sent him to school with lunch money for a treat: a hot lunch at school. She stopped in the lunchroom to see what he purchased and then snapped the picture to the right.
Although, the school offers a fruit and salad bar (visible behind Zach) his choice for lunch was a white tortilla with cheese [...]

Three Steps to a Healthy Eater

Nonna Joann • March 12th, 2009 • Nonna's Nutrition News & Views

You can transform your picky eater into a healthy eater!

Incorporate the following three easy steps to encourage healthy eating. Even picky eaters begin to appreciate the taste and texture of whole foods when you take the offensive.
1. Purchase Whole Foods
When you stock your pantry and refrigerator are with whole foods, your children will eat whole foods. One [...]

Three Mistakes Parents Make

Nonna Joann • March 10th, 2009 • Nonna's Nutrition News & Views

Parents of Picky Eaters Often Make Three Mistakes

Forty-nine percent of moms say they have a picky eater. Parents try trendy methods to convince their picky eaters to eat healthy foods…only to sabotage their best efforts. You can transform your picky eater into a healthy eater by avoiding these common mistakes.
1. Take Just One Bite
The one-bite rule (one [...]

Eating Out and Trans Fat

Nonna Joann • March 8th, 2009 • Horrible Foods

Twenty-one percent of toddlers eat French fries EVERY DAY!

In the United States, typical French fries have about 40 percent trans fat, and many cookies and crackers range from 30 to 50 percent trans fat. Doughnuts have approximately 35 percent trans fatty acids. A couple of the worst offenders are found in many kitchens-stick margarine and [...]