artificial ingredients

Fake Food

Nonna Joann • March 31st, 2009 • News & Views

In one year, each American eats just over a ton of food. That’s approximately 2,175 pounds a year or almost 6 pounds of food a day. But what is are we eating?
Wikipedia says, “Food is any substance, usually composed of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and water, that can be eaten or drunk by an animal or […]

What’s Breakfast Without Bacon (Nitrates)?

Nonna Joann • June 12th, 2008 • Horrible Foods

It turns out—more healthy!
All cured meats, including breakfast sausage, bacon, luncheon meats, and hot dogs, contain nitrites and nitrates. They’re added to processed meats to prevent botulism and enhance the taste and color of the meat. Without nitrates processed meats would be brown, just like cooked hamburger.
Once inside the body, they can form nitrosamines, a […]

Don’t Be Fooled by the Front of the Package Tease

Nonna Joann • March 18th, 2008 • Horrible Foods

Let’s spill the beans on the front of the package claims:

Natural only means the product is edible: Look for “100% All Natural”, “No Preservatives”, or “Certified Organically grown.”
Fortified, Enriched, Added, Extra, and Plus: You can be sure these products have had the nutrition removed and artificial ingredients have been added. Look for 100% whole-wheat bread, […]