
Failsafe, No-Think Hardboiled Eggs

Nonna Joann • June 1st, 2009 • Breakfast

Have you every tried to peel an egg, only to end up with bits and pieces of the shell stuck to the egg? Do your hardboiled eggs end up dimpled? This was always a problem for me, especially when boiling eggs for deviled eggs. Dimpled eggs aren’t pretty. I learned a trick that makes hardboiled eggs [...]


Nonna Joann • March 24th, 2009 • Nonna's Nutrition News & Views

Eggs are God’s little storehouse of sunshine; they are one of the few foods containing the sunshine vitamin D. An egg has over 6 grams of protein and 5 grams of fat (cholesterol). Eggs also contain B vitamins (B6, B12 and Folate) and vitamins A, E and K. Eggs are truly a super food.
In Baby [...]

3 Easy Meal Tips

Nonna Joann • January 23rd, 2009 • Nonna's Nutrition News & Views

Do you have a lot on your plate?
I do, and I’ve found that if I have three pre-made items at hand and a few basics in my pantry, I can whip up a nutritious meal in minutes. Also, it’s easier to have your kids pull together the evening meal when all they’re doing is combining [...]

American Nutrition Sadly Lacking

Nonna Joann • October 14th, 2008 • Nonna's Nutrition News & Views

I read an eye-popping article in the Sunday Denver Post. It looks at data about the American lifestyle complied from John de Graaf. The data compares the U.S. with 14 European Union countries in quality-of-life indicators. He says that it’s clear the health care, safety, and education are faltering in America.
“For example, he says, even [...]

Fun Food Quiz

Nonna Joann • October 9th, 2008 • Nonna's Nutrition News & Views

Just for fun, let’s take a little food quiz.
How many questions can you answer correctly?
1) Lemons contain more sugar than strawberries.
2) Rinsing eggs before cracking them removes bacteria.
3) Frozen food stays good for as long as it’s kept in the freezer.
4) You’re more likely to be hungry if you’re cold.
5) Almonds contain protein [...]

Egg Boats

Nonna Joann • October 1st, 2008 • Salads & Sandwiches

This is a recipe for fun! Even picky eaters love to help in the kitchen. You’ll incorporate multi-sensory learning when you make these yummy Egg Boats with your children.
One hardboiled egg yields 2 boats.
Begin with 1 hardboiled egg. Have your child help peel it. Talk about the shell, how hard it is and how the [...]

Sunday Quiche

Nonna Joann • June 1st, 2008 • Breakfast

Sunday Quiche
Pre-heat oven to 450 degrees and then bake a pre-made single crust whole-wheat pie shell for 10 minutes or make your own pie crust. Recipe follows. Remove pie crust and reduce heat to 350 degrees.
While crust is in the oven assemble:
4 beaten eggs
1¼ cups milk
2 sliced green onions
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon pepper
¼ teaspoon ground [...]

Free-Range Chicken Eggs: More Nutritious

Nonna Joann • May 20th, 2008 • Nonna's Nutrition News & Views

Why did the chicken cross the road?
Perhaps Mother Earth News has the answer to this age-old question! 
True free-range eggs are far more nutritious than eggs from commercially raised hens. They say, eggs from hens raised on pasture contain more omega-3 fatty acids, beta carotene, and vitamins A and E! That’s great news! The reason, they [...]